Magic Breadcrumbs

Item Code: magic-breadcrumbs
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Now your Yahoo store breadcrumbs can show the closest click trail your shopper used to get to the page.

Use a dynamic breadcrumbs system so your shoppers know where they've navigated on your website. The Magic Breadcrumbs enhancement shows a more accurate click path for people moving from page to page within your site. This is particularly helpful for stores where products reside in more than one section.

This quite an improvement over the old way of showing breadcrumbs which was a fixed single path to the page regardless of how the shopper navigated there.

  • Shows the most accurate click trail.
  • Helpful for shoppers navigating to items in multiple sections.
  • Code is SEO friendly.
  • Improves user experience.

The magic breadcrumbs enhancement watches as a visitor browses the site. Every time the shopper lands on a page, the breadcrumbs look at all possible paths (assuming there are not more possible than the limit set by the merchant) and ranks the paths based which is closest to the one the shopper was just at on the previous page. The very first path the shopper sees when they first arrive on the website is still based on the standard Yahoo breadcrumbs. As the shopper browses around the paths evolve to more closely represent the sections they traveled through.

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