Your Store Review
Item Code: yahoo-store-review
We can help analyze your site and make sure it's performing at its best. We will put your site through our formal review process to reveal any HTML issues, Search Engine Improvements, Sales Conversion, Usability Issues and more.
When you purchase this review we will analyze your site, give you a breakdown of the different areas we reviewed and let you know where you are doing well and where we see improvements that can be made.
We do not specifically review graphic design of the site, but will point out any particular weaknesses that we see.
Included with this review is a $100 credit towards any templates or programming services from Your Store Wizards.
All recommendations we make are based on items which have been proven successful for existing eCommerce Stores. We will do our best to make the best recommendations for your store but we can't guarantee any specific results as each store and product line is different (and the battle for good search engine rankings is a continual one).