Transfer Utility Manual


Windows PC with Internet Explorer 4.0 or above

How Do I Use It?:

The RTML Template Transfer Utility is designed to be easy to use. There are only a few selections that you need to worry about.

After running the program you will see a screen similar to the snapshot at the bottom of this page. Fill in and select the fields as follows:

Yahoo User ID: This drop down is where you select which Yahoo ID you need to use to access the store. If you need to add an ID (as you will with your first use) simply select the Add New option. You will then be presented with a screen for entering your ID, password and secure password. The secure password is only required and used if the store you are accessing requires a secure login for all store pages.

Edit ID: This button is used to allow you to edit or delete the selected Yahoo ID and related passwords stored in the program..

Store ID: This is where you put the ID of the Yahoo Store you would like to upload or download templates from. You may type in the store ID or use the Get Stores button and then select a store from the drop down menu.

Get Stores: This button will retrieve the list of stores that you can access under the current Yahoo ID

Folder To Use: The folder shown in the corresponding text box is the folder where the program will save (download) or load (upload) any RTML Templates to or from.

Browse Button: The browse button is used to select a different folder for loading or saving your templates.

Transfer Direction: This drop down box allows you to select whether you will be uploading or downloading templates from the store.

Retrieve Downloadable Templates/Read Uploadable Templates Button: This button will populate the available templates box with templates available to be transferred. The program will either access your store and list your custom templates (for download) or will read the files in your current folder and list the RTML templates for upload. This button must be used before any templates may be downloaded or uploaded to a store.

Overwrite Existing Files: This check box allows you to select whether you want to have the program overwrite any existing templates if they match the name of the template being transferred (the file if downloading or the template in the store if uploading). If you do not check this box the program will ask whether or not to overwrite the specific duplicate templates.
Change Templates Prefix (From/To): These boxes allow you to change the starting characters in an uploaded template (and any templates that call the prefix that are uploaded at the same time). So you can change a template called "generic-page" to "mystore-page" by entering "generic" and "mystore" in the from and to box. These boxes only appear when uploading templates.

Available/Existing Templates: This box lists all templates available for transfer. For uploading templates it will list the name of the template followed by the name of the actual file which contains the template (so if you have the same template in two files you can select between them). Double clicking on a template will move it to the Download/Upload list.

When in Upload mode you can select a template (or templates), right click in the box, and select the View/Edit Templates menu option to bring the templates up in Notepad (for quick review)

Templates to Download/Upload: This box contains all the templates you have scheduled for transfer. Double clicking a template will remove it and put it back in the available templates box. As templates are transferred the will be moved out of this box and back to the available/existing templates box. Any templates in this box when the Download/Upload Templates button is pressed will be transferred.

Arrow Buttons : These buttons move templates from the available list to the transfer list and back again.

Download/Upload Templates: This button transfers all templates in the transfer queue (Templates to Download/Upload box). As templates are transferred they are removed from the queue.

Task Bar (Points remaining shown below): The task bar has two possible pieces of information.

First, is the number of transfer points remaining. One point is used each time you upload a template to your store (points are refunded if the program has an error before 80% of the template upload is complete). For the demo version points are used for uploads as well as downloads but in the live version of the program points are only used for uploads (downloads are free)

Second, the task bar has a template upload status bar which shows on the right side of the task bar. This allows you to see how far the program is in uploading each individual template. The measurement is not exact, but gives you a feel for how far along the program is on the specific template.

Screen Shot

The installation of the program will also put one copy of all the standard Yahoo templates in the "generictemplates" folder underneath the program installation folder. The templates all begin with "generic-" and the prefix may be changed by using the Change Templates Prefix boxes.

If there are any problems with the upload or download, or if you have run out of RTML Transfer points the program will notify you and will leave any uncompleted templates in the transfer queue (Upload/Download box)

That is it. You now are an expert in using the RTML Template Transfer Utility. If you have additional questions about the program you can visit our FAQ Page, find information at the Y Store Forums or go to to submit a question.

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