Item Conversion to Custom RTML Templates

Item Code: item-conversion
Please select a Number of items to convert.
Please enter a quantity.

If you've created custom copies of your RTML templates, or had us create them for you, but need to change all your existing items over to the new templates. We can do it for you quickly and easily.  No muss, no fuss!  Your Store Wizards will also update your store settings so all newly added items will automatically use your custom templates.

There is an additional charge if you have over 1,000 items on your site. The additional cost ($25 per 1,000 items) will be determined at the time of conversion.

Why do I need to change to custom templates?
Yahoo stores come with base RTML templates which are used to create the pages in your store.  These base templates are static and cannot be modified.  When you have custom work done in your store, the base RTML template needs to be copied and marked as a "custom template".  Once customized, the RTML template can be modified to hold your custom application.  This is a one-time change.  Future customization will always be applied to your custom RTML template.

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