GDPR Options

To be in compliance with the GDPR (General Data Protection) compliance for the EU, we have options available.

The "Cookie Opt Out" product is a monthly subscription to "Cookiebot". Cookiebot is a product that ranges from FREE for smaller stores to $41 per month for larger stores.

Your Store Wizards will do the initial product setup and support for you. There will not be ongoing monthly fees from Your Store Wizards.

Cookie Opt Out is recommended for larger stores that do a large volume of business outside of the United States.

The Cookie Popup warning has been designed by Your Store Wizards as a simple first step to attempting to comply to the GDPR requirements. While GDPR is only enforceable withing the EU nations, it is suspected that other nations will soon follow. Cookie Popup does not put you in compliance, but it's a notable first step to future compliance.
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