Facebook RSS Feed

Post your Yahoo store items on your Facebook Fan Page.  It's easy and AUTOMATED with a Facebook RSS feed.

Facebook has a number of RSS feed applications which make it possible to quickly and easily push your Yahoo store products.  All you need is the data list.

The Feed Wizards data feed service powers the RSS-NEW data feed which is a list of the newest items in your Yahoo store (default: The 125 items added within the last 60 days).  Sign up for our data feed service - the first month is free - and ask for an "RSS-NEW" feed.

  • We automatically push a refreshed feed overnight whenever you publish your Yahoo store.
  • You can also sign up for this service from our Feed Wizards shopping feed service page.
  • The standard Feed Wizard data feed service with image hosting is $39.95/month after the first month.

* Signing up for the RSS feed means you are enrolling in our Feed Wizards data feed service ($39.95/month).

ADDING an RSS reader to your Facebook Fan Page:

  1. Search to find the "rss graffiti" app in Facebook and grant access.
  2. Choose (click) your fan page from the left menu.
  3. Click to have the app Authenticate to identify your Facebook user account.
  4. Set to allow constant authorization so RSS Graffiti can operate while you are offline.
  5. Add RSS Graffiti to your Fan Page. This is the Facebook equivalent of installing an application.
  6. Set to Allow Publishing. Required so RSS Graffiti can write on your Fan Page wall.
  7. Insert the RSS url (we provide this to you) into the app.

Choose the "Add RSS reader to my Facebook Fan Page" option above and we'll install the app onto your FB page for you.

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